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Key Information


Children enter Park Academy in the September of the academic year in which they turn five.

All applications for places will be granted up to the published admissions number (PAN) set for each year group. After the admission of pupils with Educational Health Care Plans, where the Academy is recorded in the plan, we will use the following factors in priority order to decide which students will be given places, should demand exceed the number of places available:

  • Children who are Looked After and all previously Looked After children.
  • Children with a sibling at the Academy who will still be attending when the child is due to start or are on roll at the Academy at the time of application.
  • Proximity to the Academy (according to the child’s main residence).

The ‘find your nearest school’ tool is now available on the Lincolnshire County Council website by clicking the links below:

Find a school – Lincolnshire County Council

If the proximity criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or more applicants for the last remaining place then a lottery will be drawn by an independent person, not employed by the Academy or working in the Children’s Services Department at the Local Authority.

Applying for a School Place

For more information on how to process an application, please see below:

All information regarding applications can be found on the website under school admissions.

In order to apply for a school placement, you will first be asked to create a parent account via the LCC Web Portal provided below. Once an account has been created, you will be asked to confirm your details. Following this, you may then apply for a school placement using your account.

Apply for a School - Lincolnshire

CONSULTATION for Admissions 2026/2027

We are now consulting on our Admission Policy for the academic 2026-2027. You can see the related documents by following this link

The consultation is open from November 25th, 2024 and closes on January 17th, 2025.


Free School Meals

When applying for a school placement, you may also be eligible for Free School Meals.

We strongly recommend that ALL parents/ carers apply for Free School Meals. It is always worth checking.

Apply for Free School Meals - Lincolnshire

Park Academy Documents




We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW